News & Media

VHI and AllView Healthcare launch new dermatology service
‘Rapid access’ telehealth service for VHI members will use specialist imaging equipment
Vhi offers new dermatology services in partnership with AllView Healthcare
Health insurance company Vhi is launching a new rapid access Dermatology service for the diagnosis and treatment of most dermatological conditions on an outpatient care basis. The new service will be delivered in partnership with AllView Healthcare.
Vhi makes dermatology services available to customers in partnership with AllView Healthcare
Vhi today announced the launch of a new rapid access Dermatology service for the diagnosis and treatment of most dermatological conditions on an outpatient care basis.
I want to show people the reality of living with skin cancer and how tough the treatment is
Deirdre Bonass took photographs of herself when she was undergoing chemotherapy for skin cancer.
AllView Healthcare wins the “Operational Excellence in Healthcare” Award
We are thrilled to have been named the recipient of the prestigious 'Operational Excellence in Healthcare' Award for 2023, and honoured to have been selected as a finalist for the 'Overall Operational Excellence' Award.
International Nurses Day
International Nurses Day, observed on May 12th, is a global celebration that acknowledges the efforts of nurses and care providers worldwide. As a tribute to this special day, the team at AllView decided to take a break and chat with some of our dedicated nurses. We spoke with Katie-Maree, a Nurse at AllView, who shared insights about her career and her thoughts on being a Nurse.
DermView Dermatology named amongst 100 Hottest Irish Startups of 2023
Thanks to ThinkBusiness for including DermView in their 100 Irish Hottest Startups of 2023 listing, we are humbled to be in such fine company!
AllView Healthcare are set to roll out nationwide Ophthalmology Services in 2023
DermView Dermatology is rebranding to AllView Healthcare and they are set to roll out nationwide Ophthalmology Services in 2023 under their new umbrella name.
WLR fm Waterford – Interview with Eoin O’Reilly CEO
Our CEO Eoin O'Reilly on WLR fm last week talking about the challenges of rolling out the DermView Dermatology Services and trying to reach patients in a timely fashion, thanks to WLR fm for the coverage of this important issue within the Healthcare sector.
How a skin blemish led to a doctor and businessman founding medtech company DermView
Businessman Eoin O’Reilly’s firm allows for fast diagnoses of skin cancer and other ailments and the medtech came about after O’Reilly discovered he had a skin condition himself.