News & Media

How a skin blemish led to a doctor and businessman founding medtech company DermView
Businessman Eoin O’Reilly’s firm allows for fast diagnoses of skin cancer and other ailments and the medtech came about after O’Reilly discovered he had a skin condition himself.
Improving access to specialist dermatological services
"Everyone should have rapid access to a specialist dermatology consultant service", writes Michael McHale. That’s the view of DermView, a leading dermatological consultancy, which has worked with hospitals across the country since 2018, seeing more than 10,000 patients with almost 100 melanomas and 600 cancers.
DermView Dermatology opens new hi-tech Lucan clinic with plans to expand into the UK in partnership
New Lucan clinic represents investment of €8M for award-winning company.
Shortlisted again! QiC Dermatology 2022 Awards in association with Dermatology in Practice
Shortlisted Again! QiC Dermatology 2022 is now in its second year and recognises, rewards, and shares good practice in dermatology for people with skin conditions and/or their families.
DermView has been shortlisted for the Future Health Summit 2022 Innovation Award
DermView has been shortlisted for the Future Health Summit 2022 Innovation award in association with Medtronic and UPMC.
National radio campaign
Dermview launch a 3 month national radio campaign, covering TodayFM, Newstalk, SpinFM & 98FM.
DermView become the gold sponsor for the PCDSI
We are delighted to be this years gold sponsor for the PCDSI annual conference. The Primary Care Dermatology Society has been in existence for over 20 years.
DermView new 5000sqf clinic
We are delighted to open our new 5,000sqf facility in Carrickmines (Directly across from the new Vhi 360 Health Centre). With an investment of over €2m this will allow DermView grow our capacity by over 10,000 patients per year.
DermView will roll out its skin imaging services across the UK through the NHS in the new year
Irish chain of hi-tech dermatology clinics DermView will roll out its skin imaging services across the UK through the NHS in the new year.
DermView, the Irish chain of dermatology clinics, has completed a €1.9m seed funding
DermView, the Irish chain of dermatology clinics, has completed a €1.9m seed funding round to fund roll out its skin imaging services across the NHS in the UK in 2022.