GP Referral

AllView Healthcare accepts referrals via Healthmail, ensuring secure and efficient communication between healthcare providers.

For more information on the referral process, please see below.

Covered Skin Issues

AllView Healthcare specializes in the diagnosis and management of various skin issues, including:

  • Lesions
  • Moles
  • Eczema
  • Acne
  • Dermatitis
  • Psoriasis
  • Rosacea
  • Alopecia
  • Potential cancerous growths

Suspicious lesion?

Download our Melanoma ABCDE checker to assess suspicious lesions: Asymmetry, Border irregularity, Color variation, Diameter (>6mm), Evolution. Visual aids and graphics are available to assist in identifying concerning skin lesions.

How to Refer to AllView Healthcare

To refer a patient to AllView Healthcare, please use the healthmail [email protected] or call us on +353 1 224 8100, Vhi Members: +353 1 224 8111.

Our Process

Our streamlined teledermatology process ensures prompt assessment and diagnosis. We offer a consultation and diagnosis within a short timeframe, minimizing patient anxiety and facilitating timely treatment.

We either treat our patients fully, or we refer them to relevant follow-on institutions ourselves, and then discharge. All information, including patient results, will be returned to the referring GP via Health Mail.

1. Appointment

3x Phone Calls + SMS to schedule patient appointments. Followed by a written letter.

2. Images scan

Up to 50 Medical Images of problem area are scanned in a nurse-led AllView Healthcare clinic.

3. Diagnosis

Consultant dermatologist diagnoses skin complaint.

4. Results

Results, prescription, and further treatment plans (which may include a face-to-face appointment with our Consultant, or surgery) are communicated to the patient and the referring GP.

Patients’ Stories

Carmel, 60, Dublin, referral for growth on her arm

Carmel, a 60-year-old Dublin woman, noticed a concerning growth on her arm and visited her GP, who referred her to Beaumont Hospital. Shortly after, a representative from AllView Healthcare (previously DermView) contacted her to schedule a scan and consultant assessment via AllViewView Healthcare Clinic in Carrickmines, Dublin.

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Deirdre, 53, Dublin, referral for mole on her back

53 year old Deirdre from Dublin had been on a waiting list for a Dermatology Appointment in Beaumont for over a year, her GP had noticed a mole on her back and had referred her to the public Waiting List in Beaumont.

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Pat, 70, Dublin, referral for facial discolouration

On Monday, August 24, Pat Conway of Coolkill, Sandyford, Dublin 18, was referred by his GP to AllView Healthcare (previously DermView) to check out some facial discolouration. Two days later, Pat (70) was contacted by AllView Healthcare, which totally shocked him it was so quick.

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Neil, 73, Kilkenny, referral for a facial growth

On July 29, a GP found a facial growth on Neil Curtis of Piltown, Kilkenny, and referred him to a consultant in his regional hospital. Tired of waiting, Neil, aged 73, contacted AllView Healthcare (previously DermView) and got an appointment three days later to go to his local clinic for a scan on August 25.

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Grace, 26, Celbridge, acne treatment

In May 2019, acne started to become a major issue for Grace McCormack of Celbridge, Co Kildare and she spent a lot of money on unsuccessful treatments until she discovered AllView Healthcare (previously DermView) had a clinic near the saloon where she works as a hairdresser in Naas.

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Neil, 73, Kilkenny – skin cancer diagnosis and facial surgery

Neil had his appointment, skin cancer diagnosis and facial surgery with AllView Healthcare (previously DermView) within the same time frame it took to get an appointment letter from the regional hospital.

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Pat Conway, Dublin 18, goes from GP to Melanoma surgery in 17 days

If AllView Healthcare (previously DermView) wasn’t available, I could be waiting for six months even though I have private health insurance. It could be up to five years for a public appointment.

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