Postoperative Wound Care for Dermatology Procedures – No Dressing

Patient Information
Postoperative Wound Care for Dermatology Procedures – No Dressing
If you have any concerns, please contact a member of Vhi Surgical Nursing Team:
Phone: 01 224 8100 | Email: [email protected]
We are available between the hours: 9 am – 5 pm Monday – Friday
After surgery
The nurse discharging you after your procedure will explain which type of wound closure was used and if you need to have them removed.
You may need to attend your GP/Practice Nurse for removal of sutures, contact them soon to ensure you get an appointment.
Your local anaesthetic can last 2 to 4 hours. If you feel some soreness or discomfort, a mild pain relief such as Paracetamol should be sufficient.
Ibuprofen or Aspirin are not recommended.
Alcohol and vitamin E tablets should be avoided for 48 hours after your operation as they can increase your risk of bleeding.
Please do not carry out heavy lifting or vigorous exercise as advised.
The skin around your wound may be numb for several weeks/months following surgery.
You may have some swelling and bruising around the wound. This can take over a week to settle down.
You may see a small amount of blood on your dressing – this is normal. Please seek medical attention if the bleeding does not stop after 20 minutes of continuous firm pressure.
Signs of infection or postoperative complications:
- Increasing redness
- Excessive swelling
- Increasing or severe pain
- Increased temperature
- Generally feeling unwell
- Discharges pus
Please contact us should you experience any of the above.
Phone: 01 224 8111 | Email: [email protected]
If outside normal working hours, please contact your GP or present to your local Accident & Emergency Department.
Wound care
Your wound may be tender and bleed slightly over the first few days following your surgery.
- Clean the wound with cooled boiled water. Cotton buds/pads may be used.
- Pat dry with tissue paper.
- Apply [as prescribed] to the wound to keep it moist.
- Continue these steps daily until the stitches are removed.
- Keep wound moist and greasy at all times, do not let it dry out or crust.
Initially your scar will be red and raised, this will reduce in colour and size over several months. It can take 6 months for the scar to heal completely.
What’s next after your surgical procedure is completed
- The sample taken during your surgical procedure is now sent to the laboratory for analysis by a histopathologist.
- We expect to have the results back in 4-6 weeks post your procedure.
- When we receive your results, you will be contacted by our medical team (GP or nurse) to discuss the results and treatment plan.
Download the leaflet
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